“Distinction Between Objects and Things”
“….look to make sense of objects with the same level of complexity that has been applied to human subjects.”
Roger Rothman, “Tiny Surrealism Salvador Dalí and the Aesthetics of the Small “, 2012
Pada dasarnya, manusia sering kali membedakan antara subjek (berhubungan dengan manusia) dan objek (kebendaan). Benda dalam kesehariannya dianggap sebagai hal sepele dan dikaitkan dengan hal yang tidak hidup/mati.
Dalam sebuah karya seni, benda dapat menjelma menjadi ‘objek’ karya :
Benda tidak lagi merepresentasikan sifat kebendaan yang melekat padanya. Sebaliknya, dapat mengungkapkan hal lain yang berhubungan dengan manusia, seperti memori dan ide.
Dengan menyandingkan dua benda yang tidak saling berhubungan, manusia sebagai pengamat dihadapkan pada kontrasnya persepsi antar benda tersebut. Dan diharapkan mampu memunculkan rasa juga pengalaman yang tidak biasa dari perwujudan kebendaan yang biasa kita lihat.
“….look to make sense of objects with the same level of complexity that has been applied to human subjects.”
Roger Rothman, “Tiny Surrealism Salvador Dalí and the Aesthetics of the Small “, 2012
Basically, human always distinguish between subject (that related to human) and object (related to thing). “Thing” that usually be considered as something trivial or inanimate object.
In art, definition and appearance of ‘thing’ could change to ‘object’ of an artwork:
‘thing’ not represent their inanimate character. Otherwise, could represent other human values, like memories and ideas.
With pairing 2 or more objects that not related to each other, human as the audience would feel the strong contrast between each perception of things. In expected to bring up the strange feeling and unusual experience from appearance of usual things.
Mix Media in Resin, Iron 75 x 71 cm 2016
Mix Media in Resin, Iron 66 x 45 cm 2016
Mix Media in Resin, Iron 60 x 52 cm 2016
Mix Media in Resin, Iron 70 x 53 cm 2016
Mix Media in Resin, Iron 55 x 40 cm 2016
Mix Media in Resin, Iron 33 x 40 cm 2016
Mix Media in Resin, Iron 30 x 40 cm 2016
Mix Media in Resin, Iron 25 x 25 cm 2016
Mix Media in Resin, Iron 25 x 20 cm 2016
Mix Media in Resin, Iron 30 x 45 cm 2016